
Our current Fundraising Campaign

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Dear brothers and sisters, We hope you are all doing in the best of health and emaan. As all of you have seen, Palestine is undergoing a terrible crisis and currently have no electricity, water, food or medical supplies. After hearing the tragic news of what has been happening in Palestine our masjid is fundraising a charity for Gaza insha'Allah. May Allah Soubhanahou wa Ta'ala make this a sadaqa jariya for all of you and give the Palestinians Sabr, Emaan and accept as martyrs Aameen yaa rabi'lAalameen. Please brothers and sisters, be generous and send your sadaqa jariya insha'Allah to the account detailed below. Jazakullah khir.

Account holder name: Quran and Sunnah Academy Ltd Account number: 43505642 Sort code: 20-72-91 JZK, Bilal Ahmed Dagenham Central Masjid.

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Our Purpose

Providing emergency relief, such as food and medical aid, to victims of conflict and natural disasters. Provide financial help and support to the poor people as well as founder relative in Bangladesh. Implementing income generation projects to help victims break their dependence on hand-outs.

Establishing Medical and rehabilitation clinics, especially for the treatment of women and children. Promoting sustainable development through programmes in education, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, and income generation. Providing assistance regardless of race, colour, political affiliation, gender or belief, and without expecting anything in return. Make it possible for those who wish to support others to reach people in need of their help


Our Mission & Vision

Inspired by Islamic humanitarian values, Islamic Quran and sunnah Academy aims to help meet the needs of vulnerable people and empower them to become self-reliant so that they can live with dignity and confidence. We help individuals, groups and institutions to develop safe and caring communities and make it possible for those who wish to support others to reach people in need of their help.

A caring world where the basic requirements of in need are fulfilled.


Our History

On 16/03/1990 set up by the name of "The Association of Brothers Union" and independently run by members of the founder family without any interference from the public, founder family members donated and now founder and family members registered the organisation as non profit making company LTD by guarantee and also registered with charity commission for work within the wider area of the community nationally & internationally and the constitution was amended on the 19/04/2012 by the new name of Quran and Sunnah Academy, LTD and the registered Charity No is 1149918.



Mr. Bilal Ahmed (Main founder of the Charity).

Mrs. Sanara Ahmed (founder).

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Volunteer your time

Quran & Sunnah Academy would like to seek your help in giving a small amount of your time in helping with our projects. There are many areas to help out in and we always welcome bid writers, general workers, skilled persons and other organsiations to help support our cause.

The best way to volunteer is to email us your details and we will endeavor to contact you within 48 hours. We are always keen to help you with your expenses and try our very best to apply for grants and bursaries to help you in your volunteer time.

Make a difference by giving up your time and effort in a noble cause.

Email: qasa@hotmail.co.uk

Post: Quran and Sunnah Academy Ltd

83 Warrington Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 3JL

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